Building 21 Horticultural Program

At Building 21, we believe that passion+agency=impact. It is our mission to empower networks of learners to connect with their passion and build agency to impact their world. We do this through a personalized learning model that helps to connect student interests to the community and world around them while exploring college and career related opportunities. A teacher, community partner and and a group of 9th-12th grade students are seeking to initiate a horticulture program at Building 21 to help young people discover their intrinsic and unique values, as well as the gift of mindfulness through garden cultivation and management.
Building 21 is a non-criteria high school in the West Oak lane section of the city. Of our 335 students, about 80% of students are low income and 85% have experienced significant childhood trauma. At the same time, our young people are passionate about their education and hopes for the future. Our graduation rate is 88% and 70% of our students enroll in college, a trades program or the military immediately following high school. Our model is based on strong relationships, strong academics and opportunities to personalize learning based on the strengths and needs of young people.
Through the horticulture program students will:
-Practice mindful awareness through garden cultivation, connecting to nature and one another.
-Learn the process of growing and harvesting plants in a community garden.
-Learn and practice team-building skills in developing a garden from seed to harvest as a learning community.
-Design and build sustainable garden beds
-Nurture, cultivate and maintain a community garden
-Learn and build on entrepreneurial skills in marketing produce and flowers to nearby restaurants and businesses.
-Enroll the community in creating a garden for the residents of West Oak Lane.
-Beautify our outdoor space in our schoolyard and connect with residents in our community