Community Weekend at the Beach

Every year we take disadvantaged Aboriginal families to the beach for a weekend. The families pay the small amount of $20 per family for a weekend where all meals are provided and prepared by volunteers,
Volunteers also take the children to the beach and supervise them whilst their parents/carers relax. The volunteers also play games with the children until it is time for a group of bikies to roar into the centre and take the children for rides around the block. After the evening meal a dance or cultural event is held. On the Sunday the local surf life savers teach the children many surf safety techniques and provide rides of water skis etc.
Transport is provided but always difficult to fund.
The event brings families together where the families share joys and sorrows and the younger parents spend time with Elders. Many connections are made and we find that more participants are interested in coming to our centre to enjoy the Elders Olympics exercise program, The Healing Circle, the Family group gatherings, the homework club, the mothers group or they may like to make appointments to see our counsellors, one of whom is a qualified psychologist. All of these programs are free.