Fantasyland @ Milam Park

Fantasyland @ Milam Park is a day long holiday festival with Santa visits, train rides through the park, live costumed characters for the entertainment of children and all in attendance. A Free to the public, family tradition since the mid 1980s. Fantasyland @ Milam Park is presented by the Friends of Milam Park, and includes the lighting of our 24' Christmas tree which adorns a 15'"Believe" marquee which faces the Children's Hospital. While our event is a gift to the community it is also to ensure the children who my be patients during the holiday season have a beautiful decorated tree and park outside their windows. (We never know when our children will take ill, and they ALL deserve holiday cheer.)
Many non-profit organizations come together to help bring the park to life at Fantasyland. Heroes n More dress up in FULL costumed characters and Pushrods Car Club bring in Santa Claus in a convertible 1923 Ford Coupe. (After they cruise him through downtown San Antonio for the delight or all the tourists. (Boys will be boys.))