
What we already have :
*10 second hand sewing machines,
* a Designer who is willing to teach the women basics of pattern making and sewing.
* Material, yarn, thread etc.. just ready to be used
* Patterns - brand new
* Up cycle clothing and give them a new life- donated by others or stores as end of stock.
* Make grocery bags/ cushions/aprons etc.. made out of remnants and left over off cuts
What we can source/buy:
- Donated Evening Wear that could be hired out to generate revenue
- Donated Wedding Dresses and Formal Hire
- Doing Alternations, and charging for it.( person gets a % of the fee and the rest of the money goes back into the project to cover costs )
- Computerised Embroidery Sewing machine- to charge for writing names/ initials on clothing/hats etc.
We plan to run this project to skill these women so they would become financially independent in a period of 12 months.( Basic Design/Cutting/Sewing ), We then get a new batch of students each year to retrain them. This will also reduce the landfill as many clothing goes to waste. Not only does it empower women, it will also create designer fashion from remnants and other off cuts that would have otherwise gone to waste. This would also encourage young youth to come and board and model the designs in a Fashion Runway. Items will also be sold via an online market.