Free 2 Wee

The aim of 'Free2Wee' is to increase the visibility of gender-neutral bathrooms in Adelaide. A gender-neutral toilet is a toilet that can be used by anyone without fear of being questioned or experiencing violence based on their gender or sexuality. Many people are forced to avoid places that don't have gender neutral toilets, preventing their full participation in public life.
Currently, finding appropriate bathrooms in venues and businesses is a difficult process, and one that can be a source of anxiety for gender-diverse community members.
Our project is simple: to develop and print stickers that indicate there is a gender-neutral bathrooms within premises around Adelaide. The sticker, which we have already designed (see attached), would be placed at the entrance of shops and venues with the permission of owners, making it visible to patrons, and alleviating stress for those who would ordinarily have to ask.
In addition to this, we will develop online & print resources about bathroom accessibility to share with venues. For those who may be unaware of the importance of gender-neutral bathrooms, we will use these resources to begin a conversation and provide information. For those venues that do not have gender-neutral bathrooms, we may also be able to discuss ways in which the introduction of one might be possible.
Using our online and print resources, we will collaborate with community members and support them to roll-out the stickers and have conversations with venues.