The Fox Theatre in Boulder reached out to me (a graduate student at Naropa) to organize an amazing poetry performance production event at the Fox. I was pretty baffled by this turn of events, but needless to say, I am very excited to committing myself to organizing this event.
Naropa is teaming up with my student periodical, Beats, to host this event, which will also be promoted by the Boulder Weekly. We are creating a stellar lineup of poets, including Anne Waldman, to perform in this multimedia event. It has been years since Naropa hosted a reading at a large venue like this, and I think it's time to bring the community into what "poetry" is today! All performers will be backed up by live improvisational music, as well as lighting and sound design- potentially projections- so that HOWL is a big event not to be forgotten.
Included below are the specs for the event!
HOWL: A Ginsberg Birthday Party
Featuring Anne Waldman with Fast-Speaking Music
and their friends from the poetry community
June 3rd, 2017
DOORS 8:30 PM / SHOW 9:00 PM
Hosted by Beats Periodical, Naropa University, and the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics
Presented at the Fox Theatre
1135 13TH ST. BOULDER, CO 80302
Proceeds to benefit the poetry community
Tickets at /
For more information, visit: