Tightshift Laboring Cooperative

Hello family! My name is Juan and our organization is called TightShift Laboring Cooperative. Tightshift's goal is to provide quality employment to returning citizens and troubled youth while providing excellent moving, hauling, landscaping, cleaning, and other home improvement services. It will be also one of the first worker-owned cooperatives in the District, which means it will be owned and managed by its workers.
I returned home from prison 3 years ago after a 14 year sentence. Trying to find work was hell for me. Even though I had already served my time, finding a living wage job was nearly impossible. During some of this time I had been homeless. I did laboring work to get by. My clients were always impressed with my services, but because I wasn’t incorporated and formalized I couldn’t charge the same as others with my skill level.
I’m so passionate about TightShift Laboring Coop because it will allow me to provide quality employment for myself and others who have faced similar difficult situations, and to provide training and support to the larger community through Buildin’ Bosses. We will show the world what we are capable of, and that we can be our own bosses!
The big vision is to change the economy, so everyone's needs are met and everyone has the opportunity to have dignity and respect. Tight Shift Laboring Coop will show the world what the future of work looks like – where the workers have a say in their workplaces, while looking out for their community and the earth.
Here are some videos and articles that came out recently that tell a little more about us: