Girls Write Pittsburgh

Girls Write Pittsburgh inspires teen girls to find their voices through writing.
The purpose of Girls Write Pittsburgh is to empower teen girls, exposing them to a world of opportunity through writing.
Teen girls, specifically those who are at-risk or underserved often lack skills-building opportunities that result in critical thinking, as found in the craft of creative writing. These same girls, realizing a biological shift within themselves as well as an external shift in self-awareness, require additional support to establish boundaries, develop self-respect, and learn personal power and self-confidence. While parents, caregivers, teachers, and mentors provide certain structure for a girl, many girls lack a creative approach to identify their own capabilities as an individual of worth. Those lacking a supportive external structure are at a greater risk for education prohibitive consequences. The creative outlet of writing offers myriad tools for personal growth and development, providing teen girls with a method of self-expression along with outgrowth skills that will last a lifetime.
Girls Write Pittsburgh partners with local outlets to provide a safe and supportive environment for girls to express their individuality through various forms of writing including poetry, fiction, nonfiction, songwriting, playwriting, screen writing, blogging, journalism, and more (Girls Write: Spaces). Other partner organizations play host to workshops and seminars geared toward preparedness including college readiness (Girls Write: Places). Participants in Girls Write will also have the opportunity to publish and read in unique social settings (Girls Write: Faces).
The program consists of: Collaborative partnerships: 1 - 3 outreach locations (Brookline Teen OutreachCenter) for once per week group meetings, quarterly workshop sessions at outlying locations, yearly readings and publications with established community partners. One-to-one teen writer to mentor pairing.