Save 10 Tallahassee!

For the first time, the Leon County Humane Society (LCHS) is working with Leon County Schools to promote fostering through families within the schools. We are encouraging parents to work with their children this summer to help save a life and seek a forever home for that animal. The summer months are the peak of kitten and puppy season, therefore this can be a grueling time in the animal rescue community. We want to have a hand in teaching the children in our community about responsibility and compassion.
With a grant in the amount of $1,000 through the Awesome Foundation of Tallahassee, LCHS will be able to rescue 10 infant puppies and kittens and place them with families selected to raise those animals and become advocates for them. All of this will be done with a goal of placing the animals into loving adoptive homes. LCHS will assist the families in every aspect of fostering from bottle feeding and early socialization, to basic medical care and training. Once the animals have been spayed or neutered, we will walk the families through the adoption process.
LCHS will provide infant formula, food, puppy training pads, toys, and medical care, while the foster families will provide a safe environment, socialization, and around the clock care for the foster animals. Through this unique foster experience, children will also be able to earn community service hours often required for school. The children involved will be encouraged to document their experiences with fostering through photos and writing to educate their peers.
We envision success through this project, not only for these 10 individual animals, but also for the children and families investing their time toward the project. Our goals within the families selected for this project is to include a boost in confidence for the children caring for these animals as well as an unforgettable bonding experience within the family units entrusted with the care of these foster animals.