Young Urban Artist

Child of this Culture Foundation provides the youngest of the youth with free/low cost urban arts programs. Armed with the belief that hip-hop culture offers more enrichment to the youth than the mainstream, we use it to educate, empower and nurture the nation’s youngest citizens.
In hopes of disbarring the myth that Graffiti is just vandalism, COTC strives to allow artists to tell their story through our hip-hop arts traditions. The Young Urban Artists project will attract people of all ages and ability who have been inspired by graffiti and would like to try their own hand at it with an opportunity to learn. In a casual atmosphere, surrounded by art, this project teaches graffiti painting basics such as how to shake and prepare cans, the difference between the types of size tips, cans, and spray paints and their uses. Students will also learn how to make thin and fat lines, how to fade the paint as well as to write their name in graffiti. Students sketch and fill in with colors, outline and design their signature. The project will provide 1-2 hour classes once a week for 8 weeks! By the end of the session our aim is for our students to produce a fantastic piece of art work, gain self esteem and express their own creativity and story! COTC highlights street art, murals, pop surrealism and other genres from the contemporary underground movement by providing an open, safe & free paint session, urban arts apprenticeship for youth (free or small fee) and workshops by renown local street artists. In addition to our arts program we will provide variety of free urban arts workshops to youth in topics covering arts, family literacy, dance, and music! This project has been quite successful in communities across the United States and we look forward to making it a staple activity in our hometown!