Subtext - author workshops

Subtext is a new non-profit organisation made up of young writers who are putting on the events that we want to attend.
There is a literary scene in Adelaide - but beyond the festival season, the streets are a little quiet. While SA Writers Centre is excellent, their focus is on a much older demographic, and often entirely on fiction. There is a gap in the market, which we want to provide for.
What about the young journalists, the memoirists, the podcasters? What about those who want to write flash fiction or want to blur the line between truth and lies?
Subtext want to provide workshops and author talks at a cost that is accessible for knockabout young writers who are scraping together a living writing during the day and waiting tables at night.
We want to fly in Australian authors from interstate who are shaking things up, who are writing in new forms. We want to learn from them, read our work alongside them. We want to remake Adelaide as an essential stop on the author promo tour.
We are governed by two philosophies: pay the writers, and examine our privilege. We want to pay fair and good fees to any writers who appear at our events, and we want to make sure that our program does not merely cater to a white/straight/cisgender audience, but instead is inclusive of all perspectives.
We plan to have an official launch in February, and then run two events in the first half of next year - 1 workshop and 1 author talk.