Tsevet Lohamim

Tsevet Lohamim is an organization designed to prepare immigrants & potential lone soldiers physically and mentally to join combat units in the IDF. We provide several things: hardcore combat fitness training and a supporting network and community of former lone soldiers and current ones to help new immigrants and provide guidance and personal example to become the best soldiers they can be in the IDF. Today Tsevet Lohamim is an official non for profit organization runned by 13 volunteers who are all former lone soldiers, dedicating their free time every week to provide professional training and a supporting community for drafting lone soldiers in Israel. We train between 40 -60 lone soldiers every year. Our activities take place mostly in Tel Aviv, (ramat aviv beach area). Our members have a very high rate of joining Israels most elite combat units, and they also enjoy being part of a community of friends that stays with them through their service and beyond!