Equality is the Goal

Equality is the Goal is a boys group focusing on utilizing soccer as a mean for advancing values of an equal and shared society while also promoting education among a group of boys who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. This new group, comprised of 16 boys between the ages 10-12, the boys that will participate in the group are characterized as children at risk; they spend many hours unattended at the Levinski Park exposed to different criminal activity as well as to direct violence, which they are a target of. As a result, it has been extremely difficult for the Garden Library’s volunteers to create meaningful relationships with them, as for the most part these children communicate using violence. Having worked with them during the past few years it became evident that one of the means to establish healthy relationships with these boys is through soccer.
Hence the Garden Library teamed up with 'The Equalizer' Israel Sport and Education Initiative, which has been working in numerous marginalized communities across the country, with the goal of utilizing soccer as a mean for advancing values of an equal and shared society. The program consists of soccer practice twice a week with a trained coach, participation in an after school study-center once a week and in a social-political workshop once a week with a trained facilitator, which will focus on issues of their identities, personal stories, rights, etc. In order for the children to participate in the soccer practice and in the monthly national tournaments it is mandatory for them to attend the study-center and the social-political group.
Essentially 'The Equalizer' brings into this cooperation all aspects that have to do with soccer while the Garden Library puts forth the facilities and framework for both the study-center and the social-political group. In effect this program will offer these boys a full week of activities, thereby steering them away from spending their time on the streets.