Community Gatherings to Enhance Mental Health

The first of two Awesome Ottawa awards for December goes to Amanda Palmer and the Mechanicsville Community Association to support community gatherings for mental health.
“Mechanicsville is a small neighbourhood of about 2,500 people,” explains Amanda, “and in the last six months we have had several neighbours die by suicide.”
“We know this because it occurred in a public way, or because they had previously been an active volunteer in the community.”
“As a result,” says Amanda, “many neighbours have been wondering what can be done in the future, and what they may have been able to do, should they have recognized the signs, or known what to do with the signs they did recognize.”
“What we have identified,” she continues, “is both the need to increase community connections and relationships, and to create more access points to knowledge and resources around mental health and suicide in our community.”
“We intend to hold a ‘Neighbour Night: Take a Mental Health Break!’ gathering on January 23 to do just that. We plan to offer a community meal to enable people to show up, and to get to know one another. During dinner, we will have a community conversation to allow for deeper connection and to better understand needs and opportunities around mental health. The second hour will include guest speakers who will share information about what can be done in these contexts, as well as share what resources are available.”
“Additionally,” says Amanda, “we plan to have a community grief tree as a ritual to allow people to make a communal expression of grief for those who are no longer with us, or for those who are struggling.”
The Mechanicsville Community Association is a group of volunteers interested in promoting and protecting the interests of Mechanicsville residents.