Downtown Blues

AwesomeStPaul is looking forward to seeing this video about drug abuse in our community and how this problem can be discussed and solutions offered. Congratulations to our April grantee!
Robert Ryan, our grant award winner, said, “I myself have just passed my two year sobriety date after getting clean from fentanyl in 2021. I plan to make a documentary about the current problems the local St. Paul community is facing, specifically in regards to drug/fentanyl use. I plan to interview parents of my friends that have passed from it, others like me who are in recovery and active users about what they believe may be a way to combat and solve this crisis. I want to gain insight about what is needed in order to start curbing the ongoing problems, along with getting personal stories about how it has affected everyone's lives, from both the user's and non-user's perspectives. I plan to post this video on YouTube, as well as sending it to foundations/organizations that operate here in the Twin Cities who are working towards the same goal. Finally, I plan to send copies of the video to our legislators and those in power who have the ability to make some much needed changes.”