Accessible Cycling for Wheelchair Users

Spina bifida is a fault in the spine which develops in early pregnancy. Currently, 1 in 1,000 pregnancies in Scotland are affected. Most babies born with the disability will be paralysed from the waist down, be affected by bowel and bladder complications and will be lifelong wheelchair users. In addition, around 80% of those affected will also have hydrocephalus. This complex condition is a build-up of fluid which causes increased pressure on the brain. Children and young people born with the disability(s) will require lifelong support and have multiple complex support needs.
We would be grateful to receive a donation of £500 from the Awesome Foundation to fund accessible sports days for children and young people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus whose families may not be able to afford it otherwise due to financial constraints. Financial strain can lead to isolation for people experiencing it which in turns leads to a reduction in confidence, self-esteem and independence. This isolation for children and young people is also added to by feeling different from their peers and not having people around them who relate to their situation. In addition, many of our families do not have access to accessible greenspaces. These sport outings will provide an opportunity for our children and young people to experience something new, meet new people who have similar experiences to them, develop new skills, enjoy the outdoors and get active, promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Furthermore, many children and young people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus do not have confidence to try new activities in the wider community due to specialised needs i.e. shunt, continence and mobility issues. The accessible sport activities are run by experts who know how to support people with complex needs and SBH Scotland will work with facilitators to ensure all specialised needs are met.