LaunchUR Ignite

Emily Friedberg, whom I worked with at GIVEO, encouraged me to apply.
LaunchUR Ignite™ is a new, unique online community dedicated to teens where they can find:
1. new youth venture resources, links, videos and job readiness tips
2. share their business profile with their friends and family (Fb, Tw, etc),
3. connect and learn from other like minded, teen-preneurs throughout the US
4. apply for micro-grants up to $250 to start their business ventures
But every grantee must pay their award "forward" not back - by volunteering their time or donating their business product/service in their community!
LaunchUR Ignite™ celebrates teen-preneurs - their dreams, their potential, their experience, whether they succeed or fail ... and try again! No one else in the US is currently offering this community to aspiring teen-preneurs!
Too many of our teens today are not getting a real-world entrepreneur experience that is essential to build 21st century and job-readiness skills! At best, they have had to sit through a boring Junior Achievement course taught by an adult. Some might be lucky enough to be involved in a business after school club like Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) or summer camp like Biz Girls Camp or YWCA that help teens build business plans ... but very few among them get funded to launch their business idea.
High school teachers, camp counselors and after school program managers are also looking for experiential learning opportunities like LaunchUR Ignite™ that are peer-driven and social media oriented for teens they support. Our platform also gives these educators a valuable learning resource that is NOT burdensome, overwhelming and time consuming to use.