MakerMobile does Arduinos!

MakerMobile is a literally a 'Workshop on Wheels' which means it is not limited to a specific neighbourhood or population. With the high cost of commercial space in Vancouver, a mobile classroom allows information to reach a larger audience. The MakerMobile challenges what a classroom or learning environment can look like & seeks to demonstrate to young people the idea that if you imagine it, you can make it!
MakerMobile is a partner with Vancouver Hackspace & Vancouver Maker Foundation. Part of our partnerships with Vancouver Maker Foundation, involves hosting bi-monthly "Maker Education Initiative" meetups@ Mozilla. These meetups connect parents, PAC leaders, curriculum developers, Artists, Librarians and Teachers with one another and provide a space to brainstorm new ideas and future projects in order to grow our local Maker community and put Vancouver on the map as a ‘maker mecca’.
The Maker Mobile team has been invited to present at the BCLA Librarians conference, has hosted two workshops at the Vancouver Hackspace (VHS), is currently running an activity tent using Squishy Circuits to teach kids about electricity at the Vancouver International Children’s Festival & are hosting a fundraiser at Vancouver Mini Maker Faire this June. Additionally, we have received expressions of interest in our teaching model & curriculum from local libraries (Surrey and Central branch), PACs and homeschooling networks.
So far, the MakerMobile truck itself has been donated & the entire conversion of the truck to date has been accomplished without loans, grants or seed money. All materials have been supplied by participants & generous donations from friends & local businesses. Although the space is modest, we are currently able to begin teaching basic courses in specific areas.