Insect Room

We are excited at Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium to connect guests with nature. We recently hired a new staff member with amazing passion and vision. She has offered to help bring new life to an educational exhibit that really needs to be updated and refreshed to connect with our younger visitors.
The Insect Room has been very educational but not very FUN and of course we can't keep the children exploring if they aren't having fun while learning. We could hardly contain her whirlwind of ideas and she has already begun working with a local Girl Scout to paint murals in the room. Insects and bugs may not sound exciting but they are intermingled in everything nature and we look forward to informing, entertaining and building memories for our guests, young and old. We vision the room when complete to have lab tables, pinned insects, large display wall with insect habitats, a working beehive and life-size beehive play area.