Coit Road Apiary

I'm writing to you as the farm manager of the Coit Road Farmers Market Beginning Farms Program. It is a three year program put on by Central State showing community members how to start and manage a farm as a way of income. Adding an apiary to the site furthers this mission by showing them that with very little initial investment and space they can produce honey and other products to help offset their bills. With the help of this money, after one season the individual will have the knowledge to be able to keep and take care of honey bees. Learning every step from raising queen bees to harvesting honey. Another benefit that comes from this program would be the income generated by the hives on the site. At the end of each market, the participants all split the profits evenly. By adding another product to their table, it significantly increases their potential for profit. Keeping them engaged while also showing its possible to make money in agriculture.