As of February 28, 2021, the Stop AAPI Hate organization reported 3,795 hate incidents against Asian people over the previous year, which is only a fraction of the actual number of incidents of discrimination, harassment, physical assault and civil rights violations that have actually occurred. While these types of abuses against Asian bodies are not new, the rising number of Asian and Asian American elders in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond -- who are some of our most vulnerable community members -- have become alarmingly easy targets for abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic and those wishing to aim their frustrations and fears on the people who are least likely to strike back or retaliate.
In an effort to combat the hate, Ferocious Lotus Theatre Company will perform a virtual series of nine short theatrical pieces on June 13th at 2pm, inspired by the diverse oral histories of our Asian elders -- uplifting their stories and voices in our local communities. Ferocious Lotus has partnered with four local community-based nonprofit organizations to collect the oral histories. In addition, we have partnered with other local arts organizations to co-promote our show and increase our reach within our Bay Area communities. Following our performance on June 13 will be a panel consisting of representatives from our partner organizations who will speak to the needs of our elders. Our goal is to humanize the many Asian elders who often go unseen and unheard. By illuminating their stories we hope audiences who are not familiar with the histories of Asian communities will walk away with a deeper empathy for their Asian neighbors and community members. Perhaps one less Asian body will become a victim of violence when others in their community step up in solidarity. To further support the elders, Ferocious Lotus will charge $10 for admission and donate the ticket sales from this event back to Oakland-based Family Bridges, Self-Help for the Elderly and APIENC.