A Clean Start

A Clean Start Aims to offer free laundry services to people struggling with homelessness and other neighbours in need around KFL&A. I am outfitting a trailer with laundry machines, generators and a greywater filtration system.The trailer will be outfitted with two pair of laundry machines, two generators to run them, plumbing to hook up to an outdoor water supply, a greywater biosand filter system, a tent for shade, chairs and folding table.
The laundry effluent(greywater) will be filtered though slow biosand filter containing zeolites, and activated carbon/biochar. These are proven methods of providing drinking quality water. this will allow the filtered effluent to be used to water gardens or lawns or flow to sewer drains
The idea is to connect with other organizations offering help to people struggling and add our laundry service. I am talking to Marthas table, the isolation centre for covid19 in Kingston, and Social services in Napanee to offer free laundry services to clients through those programs.
I started about a month and a half ago and I am almost up and running. Today Sunday the 9th of May, I did the first load of laundry in the trailer in my driveway.
The second generator is being picked up tomorrow and this week will see generator sound abatement boxes made and the greywater filtration system will be tested and flow rates monitored, Water testing will take place once filters are installed.