
The DownTEENS are a collaborative mix of Beth Marshall (Beth Marshall Presents TOP TEENS, Producing Artistic Director Beth Marshall, Tim Hanes ( Musical Director) and The DownTowners of The Lutheran Towers. Our goal is to bridge the generational divide by having BMP's TOP TEENS and The Lutheran Tower's DownTowners mesh together to present a fun and poignant live performance for Central Florida audiences. Our hope is to present our collaborations at Orlando Fringe, in resident assistant living and nursing home facilities and any place that might like to have us. We plan to do cabaret style shows with narrative interludes covering a variety of genre's. Our youngest troupe member is 13 and our oldest is 102. Our selections will include duets like Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better to John Lennon's Imagine to original numbers by members in the group.. Our hope is that by showing our community that the elderly and the up and coming youth can create, inspire, collaborate, produce, perform and bring joy to others in tandem and that there is a lot in common and a lot to learn from one another.
BMP TOP TEENS is a 6 year old program that consists of 17 teenagers (13-19) that are well versed in theatre, activism, volunteerism and arts leadership. They are curated to be in the program and are at the top of their respective areas in the arts lead by Beth Marshall.
The Downtowners are a senior group of performers that reside within The Orlando Lutheran Towers.( ages 60-102) They have won many awards at the Orlando Fringe including Spirit of The Fringe. They have performed at The Dr. Phillips Center of Performing Arts and rehearse weekly under the musical direction of Tim Hanes.
Learn more about the DownTowners here on their FB page:
Learn about TOP TEENS at
At the end of the day, we hope to bring joy to all through theatre and music and dance.