Tally Zine Fest

Tally Zine Fest (TZF) is a grassroots art book fair focusing on handmade books, zines, and printed ephemera from near and far. TZF will take place on Saturday, February 23rd at The Bark in Tallahassee, Florida. We have and continue facilitate free workshops for the community leading up to the event, teaching book structures, how to make zines, and the history of zine culture. In February 2018, the first fest took place at The Bark, 621 Gallery, and The Plant with over 30 participants tabling, sharing their art with the Tallahassee community. It is a community event, but also seeks to draw outside talent into Tallahassee to promote growth within the artistic community, add to the local economy, and deepen cultural diversity. Each table is facilitated by the makers of zines, screen prints, and artist books, available for free or purchase at the discretion of the artist. Through the event, we established a zine library at 621 Gallery, creating a lasting legacy of TZF. We've developed integral platforms through the web, with a website, social media integration, and reaching out to student radio stations (at FAMU and FSU).