Vienna (Ոչ ակտիվ)

Այս մասնաճյուղն ակտիվ չէ: Ոչ ակտիվ մասնաճյուղն այն է, որը դրամաշնորհ չի հատկացրել 6 ամիս շարունակ: Եթե Դուք հետաքրքրված եք վերագործարկել այս մասնաճյուղը, խնդրում ենք դիմել մեզ։

Մեր մասին

Awesome Vienna

Awesome Vienna is a new chapter of the Awesome Foundation, founded in May 2016.

It is our mission to promote awe, wonder and inspiration in Vienna!

Right now we have the call out to folks to join as Trustee's. We are looking for people who will remain passionate and engaged around our mission of furthering the interests of awesome in Vienna.

At minimum, trustees are expected to read through each month's applications, attend (to the best of your ability) our monthly deliberation meetings, and contribute 100€ towards the monthly grant award.

We will consider applications for new trustees on a rolling basis throughout the year. If you'd like to throw your hat in the ring, we'd love to hear from you!

For those who would like to apply for a grant, Please Do! We will announce here and on our facebook page when we will begin funding. Right now remember we are still in the process of getting our trustees together and we will NOT be able to process applications this month!

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