Domino Tournament in Dawson Park

The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods serves the neighborhoods in inner N-NE Portland. The Eliot neighborhood, that is home to Dawson Park, has experienced high levels of gentrification, like many of our neighborhoods in our district. This summer we were contacted by Police, that there was interest to increase police presence in Dawson Park.
We are collaborating with Police and the neighborhood association to increase positive activities that are culturally relevant and positive. NECN would like to sponsor a Domino Tournament, that will be a way to be inclusive of those, who would otherwise feel the pressure of a police force presence, and the every day effects of gentrification. We believe that by supporting positive activities that many already enjoy but through a larger supported platform, that we can increase safety and still keep space for all that enjoy that park.
Funds will be used to purchase prizes for the tournament- like gift certificates to local businesses, food/ beverages and provide stipends to contract 2 community outreach workers to help promote and facilitate the event. We are shooting for late summer/ early fall for the event.