Reading Corner to Deconstruct Gender Roles

Melissa Network is a grassroots organization, a network for migrant and refugee women living in Greece. It aims to promote empowerment and active citizenship, and to build a bridge of communication with the host society. Melissa's community center has a pool of more than 120 women attending its activities and psycho-social program on a daily basis. The majority of women have escaped structural economic, political and social violence as well as health and education systems that did not guarantee the future they wished for. Although their access to education has been limited if not existent, Melissa’s participants have expressed their interest in accessing books and attending a book group.
The Reading Corner to Deconstruct Gender Roles aims to provide a space where women will have access to books, culture, and an opportunity to express their opinions and thoughts about global issues.
Women will have access to books in their mother tongues and storytelling options will be proposed for women who never had a chance to learn to read and write. In addition, women will be provided with other tools for expressing their opinions, experiences and thoughts such as photos, pictures, music and paintings.
What our grantee has to say:
"Melissa's vision of society is not as a collection of isolated cells, but as a beehive of creativity, communication and exchange. Having a reading corner with many books from all around the world as a collective, safe space will enrich Melissa's participants creative and story-telling capacity."
What our trustees have to say:
"This project is a new initiative for Melissa Network and will provide a unique and enriching opportunity for its participants."
"An inspiring project that seeks to use literacy and dialogue to empower a group of women largely disenfranchised from education and opportunity."