The Liverpool Project;stopping bleeding in the str

I am Charlotte, a junior doctor working in Newham and involved with The Liverpool Project, in particular I lead on expansion and have founded the London team.
The Liverpool Project is a group of junior doctors and medical students who teach Young Offenders how to provide immediate medical care at the scene of a penetrating trauma (knife/gun wounds) to prevent death and injury.
We teach two 90 min sessions on consecutive weeks. Teaching takes an easy to understand and interactive format so that skills can be recalled and utilised in pressurised situations where action is required urgently. The aim is ultimately to reduced injury and death from interpersonal violence while giving young people skills and greater confidence. The project also offers young doctors and medical students a fantastic opportunity to work with young people from less privileged backgrounds and to learn from their experiences - hopefully making students better doctors in the long run.
We already have established teams delivering training in Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham and have recently expanded to London. We hope expand to cover young people in all of the Youth Offending Teams (YOTs)in all major cities.
The Liverpool Project has achieved a lot, recently being awarded a place in The Observer and NESTAs "Britain's New Radicals" as well as receiving small grants from NHS innovations and The National Lottery. However we are a fragile organisation relying purely on our volunteers and gifts of equipment to continue our service. Currently we do not have money to pay for our volunteers to have specialist training and rely on skilled trainers donating their free time.
We hope to expand to teach in all YOTs in London, Manchester, Nottingham, Birmingham and Liverpool, which are the cities with the highest rates of violence. This will be done by carefully recruiting teams of volunteers via medical schools, giving them excellent training and supporting them in delivering teaching. We want to improve through research and measuring the impact of our intervention.
The Project is awesome because it is totally unique. It targets the highest risk young people and gives them new skills and confidence which when put into practice could save lives.
We are the right people to do this because we have been up and running for years. We are dedicated and passionate, as is demonstrated by the expansion of the project at the hands of several long term committed members of the team.