13 Reasons Why and How to Promote Youth Resilience

The Netflix series 13 Reasons Why is a cultural phenomenom. Amongst young people it is wildly popular but the adult population has had mixed response. Teachers are largely told not to discuss. The show addresses important issues around mental health, bullying, rape culture and suicide. Believe this is an opportunity to leverage the interest to create an Intergenerational Community Event where young people will have a prominent role. We already have a date - Tuesday June 13 at Riverwalk Commons from 6.30 to 9.30 pm. We have many groups already interested and committed: Bullyfree York, Pridefest and Gap-Gen and Harm Reduction Coalition of York Region. There are others.
The plan is to have a Community event where we will first create a short Power Point of 13 Slides addressing the answer to the event's title. We also hope to have some performance elements - spoken word (have contacted YorkSlam), music, if relevant short video and we will have a panel made up of Young People, people who work in the field of youth mental health, youth programs. Youth related programming across York Region will be present either in person or in promotional material. There will be time for audience discussion. It is also the week of Pridefest and will be on their calendar.