A Small View

A Small View is a non for profit exhibition space situated in the heart of Liverpool. Its based in a shop unit in Gostins arcade, hanover street. This is filled with all kinds of creatives but as of yet know one has made use of the cheap rent in order to set up a gallery. Its run by two MA students studying fine art. The project came from a despair at the lack of available and viable art opportunities.
We give artists a space to experiment with different ways of curating and also a place to network and display work. We primarily display emerging or aspiring artists work. The two of us running this this project space know the difficulties in finding viable exhibition opportunities in big cities like Liverpool. A Small View offers the kind of artistic freedom that larger institutions don't allow.
Under the cost of the rent we are allowed use of seminar rooms and on wednesday the workshop room. We hope to make use of these facilities in the future, hopefully further involving the public.
We have collaborated with many people while doing this project, including graphic designers, writers and artists. As many of these are students or new graduates, this project is a great way of gaining experience in the real world and away from the safety of university.