Project Ho'omana

Project Ho'omana at Waipahu Intermediate School is a program that gives positive alternatives to Waipahu Teens to keep them off the streets. We service about 100 teens throughout the year. We plan different activities every day and get the kids involved in as many community service projects as we can. We also have a volleyball team that we use to encourage kids to get interested in high school sports (in hopes of continuing into college sports). All of these activities are designed with the intention of making these teens proud positive contributors to their community through their service and teamwork (representing Waipahu on the courts with class).
During the summer, one of our biggest goals is to go on field trips around the island to get the teens to experience life outside of Waipahu. We encourage them to try new foods, see new things and not be afraid of things that are different. One of the highlights is getting to go to a fancy place for Mahalo Banquet. Its a great experience for a teen who doesn't even get to eat at dine in restaurants with their families.