Menstrual Pad Project for girls in Nepal

In 2010 my friend Sita and I decided to build a clinic in her village of Baseri, Nepal. A village that had never had healthcare. We built the clinic, trained a young woman from the village in nursing and they have treated 10 people every day ever since! Next we dreamed of one day starting a small women's economic development project in Baseri!
In 2012 my business started raising money to keep 180 girls in school. We called the program the Power of 5. (see We have raised $18,000 for the past two years. In August of 2014 we created the non-profit Conscious Connections Foundation EIN 47-1602190. Now the Clinic and Scholarship program are programs of CCF.
Our next step is to link the 2 programs. CCF helps send girls to school but often girls stay home because they don't have menstrual supplies. We want to change that! We want to train & pay women in Baseri to sew 180 menstrual pad kits (developed by for the girls receiving the scholarships to stay in school. Then we would expand to provide kits and reproductive health care training to the girls in the Baseri region and beyond.
Our plan is to hire a woman (we know who we want) from the region to oversee the project and train her to make the kits so she can train the women in the village. We will introduce her to the girls receiving scholarships and have her deliver completed kits to them as they are finished. We have the pattern for the kits and training materials which we are presently having translated into Nepali.
We go to Nepal Feb 25-March 20 and will be starting this project. We have 30 years of experience working in Nepal and the connections to make this happen we just need $1000 to start it.
The CCF website is not finished but you can read about the scholarships at The clinic at