Soccer to the Max!

I know you said no money going directly to fundraisers.....this is different....please please please be awesome enough to read on.
My close friend, and super awesome, giving, amazing paramedic and mom, found out her 3 year old Max had leukemia two weeks before Christmas. Treatment at first is intensive meaning a MONTH's stay in hospital. As they have an 18 month old (and the hospital is an hour away), they have not worked for over 6 weeks.
We are holding a fundraiser at the Westbrook Dome to help to support them financially
But the best part about this fundraiser is it's
a) all about strangers helping strangers
b) all about kids having tons of fun and getting active (in a city where you cannot currently be outside for more five minutes without shouting profanities and having the tears you cry from the cold freeze to your face)
c) it is in a HUGE venue, so TONS of strangers, and TONS of kids and TONS of families, can meet, run around, play , have fun and support one another during a FRIGID weekend day
The family is from Stratford, and we feel helpless being unable to help them in any other practicle way being so far away
We are renting two fields at the Westbrook dome for an hour.
One field is for awesome awesome soccer fun!!!!!!! Kids of all ages, kids against parents etc (we have rented it before for friends and strangers alike and it's a blast!!!)
One field is for smaller kids- we are hoping to have games set up, and a bouncy castle for them to run around like the crazy little people they are.
We will suggest a donation amount like $5 per person, but this will not be even people who cannot afford it can come out and have an awesome active day. AWESOME!!!!!!
The best part is we have been pondering trying to start something for kids in the winter like this to get them out and active and now we have an amazing reason.