Vistas of the Thames Photography Contest & Poster

I would like to launch a Vistas of the Thames River themed photography contest and poster project. A beautiful and inspirational poster, suitable for framing will be created featuring the winning photos from a fun, and accessible to all, photography contest celebrating the inspirational vistas of our Canadian Heritage River, the Thames.
The contest and resulting poster will provide opportunities for the local community to capture the compelling beauty and significance of the Thames River. Sales of the Vistas of the Thames River posters will leverage the initial investment to raise funds for the Thames Talbot Land Trust, a registered charity committed to protection of the natural heritage in southwestern Ontario, including the Thames watershed.
The Awesome Foundation's story on the website notes that "we're still waiting for something with dinosaurs." While this project does not directly involve dinosaurs, many in our community see Great Blue Herons flying along the Thames River and have noted their resemblance to dinosaurs. Great Blue Herons do have a resemblance to Pterosaurs, and, a Pterodactyl in flight does bear some resemblance to flying Great Blue Herons. Photos submitted for the Vistas of Thames photo contest certainly could include these dinosaur like birds, making this a "something with dinosaurs" project!
The Georgian Bay Land Trust promoted this fundraising concept and community engagement idea (at a conference workshop). Their biannual themed photography contest raises $20,000. I have attached the stunning Trees of Georgian Bay poster they produced as an example of how the Vistas of the Thames poster might look.
People protect what they love. If we engage our community to discover their muse in the Thames River, and present it an inspirational light, through a Vistas of the Thames River photography contest and poster project, we can inspire our community to celebrate and protect our very own Canadian Heritage River – The Thames.