Kids Building Bikes for Kids

This year we were blessed to have two amazing kids from the Cassiano Courts go through the Earn-A-Bike program at the Earn-A-Bike Co-op. These two kids wanted a bike. They wanted a bike to go to school, visit their friends, go to the store, and ride to the Co-op. They knew their parents could not afford one and the only way to get a bike was to steal it or come to the co-op and work for it. Luckily they chose to come to the Co-op. Even so there are many other kids at Cassiano Courts that don’t have the resources to visit the co-op and go through the program, and therefore the reason for this grant application.
Our awesome project consists of bringing the Earn-A-Bike program to Cassiano Courts the two weekends before Christmas. The project consists of getting new bikes in boxes that require assembly and have the kids earn a bike by attending two 4 hour Saturdays where they will work on their bikes and take the necessary training for safe riding. They will earn their bike in 8 hours vs. the 15 hours we require at the Co-op.
To earn their bike the participants will have to build their bike, take a safe cycling course and complete the bicycle civics lesson that deals with honesty, respect, safety and the value of work.
This project will require the San Antonio community to get involved, as we will need volunteers to work with the participants and help them through the process.
At the end of the program and during the six months after, the Earn-A-Bike co-op will follow up with the participants and evaluate key indicators, like school attendance, level of physical activity, workability of the bike and other indicators.