The Dreary Coast

The Dreary Coast is an original, site-specific immersive work that takes place on the Gowanus Canal from October 14th - November 1st. Imagine the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at night in the middle of a crumbling industrial neighborhood.
Our story centers on the character Charon, the boatman on the River Styx. It's got elements from Greek and Roman myths, pieces of Dante's Inferno, and blasts of black metal.
It's a tragedy. And it's very funny.
Two small audiences will see our show every night, encountering actors and performers at bridges, docks, and buildings along the canal and throughout the neighborhood. Our crew will blur the edge between landmarks in the neighborhood and the mythic locations of our story. Audiences will complete that transformation themselves.
There are still wild places in New York, and we think artists should be out there imagining them.
Tickets are available at