Young Voices Gathering

We are convening a one-day gathering of those leading the national and local discourse on the state of girls. How can we work collectively and individually to ensure that we are advancing the status quo for girls? This event is an opportunity to harness the collective knowledge and experience of thought leaders, writers, activists and others focused on how we can best share practices in uplifting young voices, particularly those of girls. Through a strengthened network and shared resources, we hope to avoid duplicating efforts and instead encourage collaboration amongst various stakeholders to put forth intentional efforts that reflect communal interests.
This “think tank” will take place on June 24th from 11-4 at the Women Moving Millions offices in New York City. It will target approximately 50 leaders in the area of youth and gender development, with representation across all aspects of diversity (age, issues, region, approach).
It is our hope to provide a thoughtful space and place for those who are engaged in all aspects of youth development (with an emphasis on girls and gender) so that they may:
• share best/worse practices
• utilize their unique strengths (media, research, health care etc)
• remember to better leverage their allies in this work
Attendees will emerge from this event with:
• new connections/networks
• new awareness about programming ideas and expertise
• incentive to work collaboratively and across sector
• perhaps a desire to do an ongoing call (once a quarter) or plan for a bigger convening where everyone can better showcase their work
• the development of an online hub/center on the current website
• actionable steps to move our agenda forward (i.e. a plan to include boys in the conversation, a plan to shape social emotional intelligence youth work through a gendered lens)
Generally, the day will allow for an assessment of the trajectory of the movement and productive brainstorming around common goals.