Inside Voice

The second of two Awesome Ottawa awards for December goes to Toni van Eeden to support a series of sensory-immersive live music shows using interconnected wireless headphones.
“Inside Voice,” explains Toni, “will be a series of sensory-immersive live music shows that mean to move us into more sustainable ways of relating to ourselves and the natural world. Taking the tools of the Silent Disco – interconnected wireless headphones – and applying mycelial thinking to it, these shows will be designed with nervous system regulation and aftercare in mind.”
“Each pair of headphones has its own volume control,” Toni continues, “and allows for people to be standing or sitting many feet apart from each other and from the performer without sacrificing the quality of the show. This means we can essentially perform anywhere without worrying about bylaw-enforced noise restrictions or choosing venues with proper sound equipment. Being more creative with our choice of space also means being able to be more immuno-friendly, sensory friendly, and contextual to the content of the show.”
Besides themself – under the moniker PARTYGIRL – the project will also include Bleu Pâle (DJ moniker of visual and tattoo artist Coblou), Ardea (ambient dub techno), and Taymaz Valley (poet and beatmaker).
“Inside Voice shows,” says Toni, “will be about inviting audiences to become introspective and self-reflective, and to experience something that will transform us and grow our capacity to strive for sustainable togetherness.”
Toni is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work deals mainly with themes of grief, the hidden self, and the sensory body. They have worked in the local arts scene for over a decade, with a focus on education and consultation in entrepreneurship and event organizing.