Pop Up Repair

Pop Up Repair is an itinerant repair service for household items of all kinds. A challenge to the cycle of use-and-discard, we launched in June of 2013 with a one month repair shop in Inwood, NY, staffed by theatre artists.
The project is radically simple - we provide convenient, drop-off repair services for people, in their community. In Inwood 2013, we repaired over one ton of broken stuff, and got our community thinking and talking about repair, consumption, and our habits of waste.
Our goals are to:
Fix people’s stuff.
Provide an alternative to the cycle of use and discard.
Inspire change in our habits of consumption and waste - with our customers, with retailers and manufacturers, and in our communities.
From the start, Pop Up Repair has sparked an enormous response - in our community, in the press, and in the larger sustainability community. We think that people are ready to begin rethinking our relationship with stuff.
We just finished a 1 week "follow up care" and alternative holiday fix Pop Up in Inwood, and we are planning on how to replicate and expand the project. Upcoming projects involve: future pop-ups, an education session at a local school, and workshops for people who want to learn to fix their own stuff.