"AstroNuts kids space club"

Four years ago Brett and I created the "Astronuts kids space club" for local kids that love rocketry, astronomy, technology, STEM and "everything space"...
The "crew " of 20, both boys and girls, ages 9 to 12, meet at our home once a month for a 3 hour "mission" . During the "mission" the AstroNuts are engaged by amazing volunteer "space educators"(astronomers, rocket scientists, astronauts etc) ....WE also have have a special skype guest from somewhere in the world inspire the kids! The AstroNut kids always have an hour long space-related activity...activities included making comets from dry-ice, multiple rocket launches, making home made telescopes, many arts and crafts related to various themes, many awesome "mission drills" in our space ship called "Space ship Mercury Two"
I built the space ship over the past 2 years...its made completely of "space junk"
Brett and I have taken recycled materials and electronics...then rebuilt and rewired them for a fun "out-of-this-world" adventure. Our spaceship was featured on TVO kids "the Space".
We also go on a number of field trips to places like the York University observatory, UTIAS aerospace studies institute, NAPAS rocket launch site, and the Ontario Science Centre to name a few.
I have also done volunteer space education outreach with Big Brothers/ Big Sisters and Scouts Canada.
Three years ago, in order to engage more elementary school children in the space sciences I created the "annual " AstroNuts STEM contest" where students from 50 elementary schools were invited to create and present to scientists their STEM projects...
The winners were then invited to attend the very successful annual "Whats up in Space" event...Both events brought hundreds of children together with dozens of volunteer space educators like Canadian astronaut and hero Dr. Dave Williams to engaged over four hours on "everything space".
Our rocket ship float was entered in both the Newmarket and Aurora Santa parades...