Linked - Crowdsourced 3D Printed Sculpture

Engineering+Art: The world's first crowdsourced 3D printed sculpture.
Our award-winning 3D printing startup has partnered with an internationally known artist to create this sculpture in Calgary. We currently have hundreds of people around the world 3D printing the pieces of our sculpture and mailing them to us. In September at Beakerhead and Maker Faire, we are assembling the vibrantly colored pieces to form a hanging chainmail mosaic to form an image or pattern. Each display will have a different visual associated with it.
“Linked” will be the world’s first collaborative 3D sculpture, created by makers and hobbyists across the world. 3D printing is bringing open-source creativity to the physical world, and that's why we're making "Linked" - it's a celebration of the new-found power of the community.
Our community has built the pieces but now we need to build a frame to hold the pieces together and to transport the sculpture from one venue to another. With Awesome Calgary's help, we can pay for the materials, art, and labour associated with this frame. It will need to scale so that we can continue to grow this sculpture.
We want to transport this sculpture to many festivals. In 2014 we hope to display at the bay area Maker Faire, which is the center of the maker universe.