Cheltenham Community Art Stobie Poles

The vision of this project is to prepare, organise, facilitate and pay local artists to paint art works on both sides of 14 Stobie poles. These steel and concrete electricity poles are situated around the border of the Cheltenham Cemetery.
Funding will help us prime stories and then provide a painting pack for local artists to use to create artworks, with everything they need for their creations.
We are also interested in getting permission to paint artworks on the 2 bus stops along Port Road next to the cemetery.
These works will reference local history, such as historical figures, businesses and houses in the area, reference to people and occupations of people who are buried at the cemetery. we will also incorporate the use of local flora and flora as well as recognise the indigenous presence in the area.
The artists we will be giving paid work to include emerging professionals, locals to the area and local Indigenous artists who are part of local painting groups.
Once all the art works are painted, we will have a launch ceremony/party for local residents and our growing network of community at large.
This will be a great opportunity for neighbours to connect and new projects to be dreamed up.