Queer Collage Collective (QCC)

Formerly Queen’s Collage Collectives, and now Queer Collage Collective, QCC is a queer-led, anti-oppressive arts collective for healing and strengthening mental health!
We do collage art programming (physical and virtual) that centralizes anti-oppressive pedagogies.
Some of our past events include: Queen’s first EVER Queer Prom (2019), a virtual anti-racist collage series featuring BLM-TO co-founder Pascale Diverlus (2020), and many events centered around queer kinship, anti-racism, mental health, allyship / solidarities, and more.
We aim to provide an accountable space to facilitate anti-oppressive thinking, conversation, and learning. We facilitate this learning through collaging and discussions at our events and workshops.
The new goal for QCC is to have its own physical space to run community workshops and events! Picture this: a space for a free queer, trans, black, indigenous and people of colour youth anti-oppressive / social Justice after school program, to have school trips where students learn about anti-oppressive subjects whilst collaging, an anti-oppressive book club, art therapy, queer movie & collage nights, queer dance nights, karaoke and collage, etc!!! The possibilities are endless if QCC is able to obtain its own space!