Downtown Windsor Local Treasures Hunt

The Downtown Windsor Local Treasures Hunt is a way to get people more familiar with the great business and organizations we have downtown and a safe, green and healthy way to visit them - on a bicycle! Registrants, or hunters, will be given a bicycle (or they can use their own) and a map and their task will be to visit a list of businesses (or their representatives) and collect their booty. Booty will be a business card or a flyer, something that most businesses already have on hand and will hopefully not cost them extra money. Business outside the downtown area can also participate by either supplying coupons to hunters, or by sending a representative to a downtown landmark (such as a sculpture by the river) to distribute the booty. The aim of the event is to get people out and moving for the day, and most importantly, showing them all of the local treasures that they might not know were even there! Since the hunters will be physically entering the business they will have a chance to look around, and even shop, at their leisure. The booty will provide them with the information they need to find the place again.
The first hunter to collect all the booty will collect a prize, but the real prize is all of the local treasures every hunter will have found that day.
For the weeks leading up to the event, there will be special social media involvement including location hints, giveaways, and special offers at the participating businesses. You can find us on facebook at and twitter at @DWLocalTreasure