Cinch Sacks for Foster Children

When children are removed from foster care, their belongings are placed in a trash bag. As I write this I cry because trash is meant to be placed in a trash bag, not belongings.
Imagine being taken from everything you have ever known, having your belongings placed into a trash bag and then showing up on a doorstep to a family you do not know.
In Allegheny County we have over 1500 children in the foster care system. Our goal is to create a "comfort bag" for each child that is removed from their home. Our goal is to purchase as many cinch sacks as possible and to fill them with things they will need and that will bring comfort to them in this difficult time.
At a later time, we also plan to have a suitcase, duffle bag and backpack drive for the children as well. Our goal is to keep the integrity of the child intact and to show them that they matter in this world.
Imagine the impact we can have by bringing a small amount of comfort to these children. They did not ask for this to happen in their lives, but we want to be there to comfort them and show them that they are loved, even if in a small way!