You Matter! Kits for GMHS Guidance

I respectfully ask for $1,000 grant to assist the Georgetown Middle Highschool Guidance Department with our communities youth mental health.
Ms. Kelly Francis has been a wonderful counselor to my daughter, a 7th grader at Georgetown Middle School, this year as well as many other students. After seeing first hand what a great job she is doing, and the concerning results from the recent student survey; I decided to reach out to see what I could do to help. In honor of Mental Health Awareness month, I would like to focus on our teens and who is caring for them.
During these pandemic years, our tweens and teens have lost the opportunity to practice important social skills. This year, with things opening up more and more, they are lost in how to navigate this difficult time of adolescence. Our school’s guidance office is hands-on every day with our kids helping them with open doors and practical advice.
Ms. Francis suggested that it would be helpful to have a budget to purchase things that might make those very personal meetings with students more comfortable when they come to her with a problem or needing to talk. A small package that tells them they matter and encourages them to reach out when they need it. Things like tissues, mints, small waters, encouraging items such as awareness bracelets or small inspirational gifts/books. I also asked my daughter and she thought this was a great idea and agreed to help me in making the choices as well as Ms. Francis. So those who will directly benefit will participate in the purchasing.
I recently picked up a “Be Well Georgetown” packet at the library (One of your first projects!) It really made my day and I hope to set up the guidance department with the funds and help to create something similar but geared toward our teens.
Please see attached letter for full description and contact information regarding survey questions. (Survey attached, Full Letter attached)