Slaghammers Open Welding workshops

We are Slaghammers! A feminist welding collective, prioritising women, trans and non-binary people in Glasgow since 2016.
The name comes from the first tool we had- a slaghammer is used for knocking off the excess material (slag) in arc welding and when we had our first meeting to begin the project it was our only tool! We then were leant welders and other tools and self funded to start collecting more equipment. We began a collective learning project to self teach and skill share and develop our metal work skills to be able to take on commission for donations to the project and offer open workshops. Some members have gone on to college courses in Metal fabrication after beginning in Slaghammers. Originally we were welding in the back of a community space in the corridor but this was not the best space for accessible workshops.
Last autumn, we finally took on a new premises to set up a metal workshop in the old Barclay Curle shipyard in Glasgow. Our dream has always been to open an accessible and community orientated space that allows people to access new skills and experiences, and we are now so close to making this dream a reality. When we took on the old power house building, it was a state! So these past few months, we've spent designing and building 3 metre tall windows and doors, to make a beautiful, watertight space. So far, we've done all this work ourselves, but we've finally run out of cash. We are in need of some financial help with the bigger things that ensure the space is super safe and ready to use.
we dont have a website currently but you can find us on instagram- @slaghammers