The New Normal - A Trans-inclusive Women's Day Gig

The New Normal - a musical cosmos for trans, nonbinary and female identifying folks.
The New Normal aims to open up a traditional jazz venue to more diverse performers and audiences alike, fostering greater community connection, inclusiveness and fresh creative expression. For the first time at Lazybones Lounge, this trans-incusive International Women's Day event not only showcases women in music but also welcomes non-gender-conforming folks into the space to nurture and strengthen community connections and networks.
On International Women’s Day, Sydney vocalist Ms. G (in association with Noisy Girls Productions) is taking over both levels of Lazybones Lounge to re-imagine live music sites as welcoming, nurturing, fun spaces for women and gender-non-conforming artists and audiences alike. Hosted by Jannah Beth, and featuring Blues Legend Marlene Cummins, Percussionist Chloe Kim, all grrl neo-soul/funk powerhouse Monstress, pop sensation Anieszka and special guests, PLUS a female led jazz jam where transgender and non-binary singers who want to explore their voices in an affirming environment are most welcome.
We believe our idea will make the city of Sydney more #awesome by rejuvenating struggling venues and bringing a sense of fun, safety, inclusion and encouragement back to a local live music scene that has faced significant challenges over the last two years. Instead of going back to how things were before, why not make womXn-led initiatives and gender-inclusiveness, the new normal? How #awesome would that be?!
Insta: @thenewnormalnight