Georgetown Public School Virtual Reality Kit Addon

The Georgetown Public Schools are committed to teaching 21st Century Expectations for Student Learning. The method of instruction and instructional support has changed drastically over these past 20 years. The method of how content is presented to students has evolved from chalkboards, to whiteboards, to smartboards, to the now widely used smart projectors installed within classrooms throughout The Penn Brook School. The way in which students access content has evolved over the years too. Hardcover textbooks are now digital texts that are being accessed through 1:1 iPads which students carry from class to class in grades 6-12. Over the past decade a new and innovative way to help students access material is to allow them to believe they are within the content, through the use of Virtual Reality Kits.
I am applying to this grant in hopes of gaining funding to purchase an "add on" to a current Classroom Virtual Reality Kit which teachers use to enhance students’ access to the curriculum in grades K-6. The current VR Kit includes 8 virtual reality headsets, this grant would fund 3 more units.
Overall, adding to the current virtual reality kit would be a great addition to the already outstanding repertoire of tools that the teachers within this district have. Do I believe that this is the direction in which education is going? No. Do I envision students in the next 20 years learning solely on virtual reality platforms? No. I do believe though, that within the evolution of education, there are many new and innovative strategies teachers across the world are using to support and enhance the curriculum for students. Virtual reality platforms are one of these newest evolutions.
(This text box within your application page will not let an applicant input a hyperlink, so I included an introductory video under the "Project Website" line. It is simply a YouTube video from the product distributor)