Warners Bay Netball Club Mural

We would like to brighten up our clubhouse by painting a mural that represents our local community. We are hoping to hold a "club day" where all players, their families and interested community members can come to the clubhouse and take part. Each team at our club is named after a sea creature (eg Piranah's, Turtles, Jaws, mermaids etc) we plan on having stensils made to represent each team (mascot/logo) that the players can place/paint on the mural in hopes to increase players sense of community ownership, belonging and pride and to further encourage positive community involvement. The players will also have the opportunity to bring their own T-Shirt to have their teams mascot painted on it.
On the "club day" we will also invite the players to take part in skill-building activities, games and play some friendly games against each other to get to know their fellow club members as opposed to only knowing/sticking with their own team or age group.
Our clubs motto is "A club with spirit", by hopefully enhancing the sense of club/community spirit within all of our players we hope they will continue to be involved in and contribute to their wider community.